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Dean Coleman
Math Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1205
Renee Cook
Media Specialist
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1780
Tammy Coyer
Cosmetology Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1395
More about Cosmetology
Crystal Crabtree
Instruction Paraprofessional, Clinical Coordinator
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1361
Anthony Danner
Accounting Specialist
District Office
614-836-4530, ext. 1514
Emily Davies
English Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1367
Latisha Dawson
LPN Program Administrator / Instructor
Adult Workforce
LPN webpage
Troy Dennison
Construction Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1312
More about Construction
JB Dick
Director of Business Operations
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1562
Megan Dillard
Secretary, Satellite Programming
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1424
Jack Downing
High School
Lorain Drake
Secretary, ECC Guidance
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1319
Lisa Duckworth Fortunato
AWD Student Services, Counselor
Adult Workforce
614-836-4541 ext. 1534
AWD Student Services webpage
Mike Dulin
Lead Custodian, ECC
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1124
Ed Eblin
Math Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1303
David Eichorn
Culinary Arts Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1389
More about Culinary Arts
Kyle Farmer
Social Studies Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1750
Beau Fealty
School Nurse, ECC
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1107
Nicole Feasel
Registrar, Career Development
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1501
Linda Ferguson
Project Search Instructor
High School