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Allante Booker
Assistant Aspire Coordinator
Adult Workforce
614-836-4530 ext. 1661
Tammy Boso
AWD Secretary
Adult Workforce
614-836-4541 ext. 1403
Anne Boucher
Science Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1432
Nicole Brown
English Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1209
Christopher Brown-Borden
English Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1210
Brianna Butler
English Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1301
Jonah Butts
Career Connections Instructor (Bexley)
Career Connections
Arlie Byrd
Instructional Paraprofessional
High School
Jerramie Callahan
High School
Nicholas Carlson
Robotics & Automation Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1355
More about Robotics & Automation
Dwight Carter
Director of Student Support Systems
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1510
Kim Carter
English Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1211
Jeff Cashin
Science Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1391
Christopher Chambers
Intervention Specialist
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1368
Jonathan Claggett
Social Worker
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1415
Buffie Clippinger
Intervention Specialist
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1394
Kevin Colburn
Lead Custodian
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1451