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Ashley Ferraro
Guidance Counselor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1377
Rodney Fields
English Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1392
Toby Fischer
Teacher Preparation Instructor (Hamilton Twp., Teays Valley)
More about Teacher Preparation
Debbie Fisher
AWD Secretary
Adult Workforce
614-836-4541 ext. 1537
Denise Ford
Food Services
High School
Sarah Fourman
Pre-Nursing Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1340
More about Pre-Nursing
Angela Fuentes
Assistant Principal, FCC
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1114
Jodi Gacnik
Secretary, Business Operations
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1500
Ryan Gasser
Coordinator of Communications and Marketing
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1508
Joseph Gates
Principal, ECC
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1504
Angela Geiger-Fields
English Instructor
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1376
Deavyn Giffin
High School
John Goetz
Social Studies Instructor
High School
740-756-9243 ext. 1702
Justin Gordon
District Technology Coordinator
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1053
Jennifer Gordon
AWD Fiscal Specialist
Adult Workforce
614-836-4530 ext. 1533
James Graham
Instructional Paraprofessional, Criminal Justice
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1406
Ally Greene
Adult Dental Assisting Instructor
Adult Workforce
740-756-9243, ext. 1330
Dental Assisting webpage
Ryan Grice
ISR Instructional Paraprofessional
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1313
Holly Griffin
Assistant Principal, ECC
High School
614-836-5725 ext. 1430
Shelley Groves
District Office
614-836-4530 ext. 1332