EFCTS Recognizes School Staff During Staff Appreciation Week

EFCTS Recognizes School Staff During Staff Appreciation Week

May 8-12 is National School Staff Appreciation Week. We are grateful not just for our instructors and staff, who work tirelessly to help us meet our mission to engage, enrich, and equip our high school and adult students every day in every experience, but for educators and school staff everywhere who make a difference in the lives of our students and communities.

Together, our efforts help students find their next E.

Our appreciation reaches beyond instructors to administrators, support staff, bus drivers, food service teams and custodians. Each staff member plays an important role in maintaining a safe and engaging learning environment so tomorrow’s leaders can reach their fullest potential.

Whether you’re a parent, student, or business leader, we encourage you to take time to reach out to a teacher — or any school employee — to share how they have impacted you, your child or family, or the community for the better. We'll give our social media followers opportunities all week long to show their appreciation or share the impact a staff member made.

On behalf of schools everywhere, thank you to our school staff, and Happy Staff Appreciation Week! 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from a teacher/instructor?

“The hardest thing to do is the best thing!” - Ms. Hamilton, Pre-Dental (FCC) quote provided by @mayyaa.aaaaa (IG)

“When in a construction industry job, write a to-do list down on a scrap piece of wood. It saves time!” quote provided by @jessecox851 (IG)

“Always keep going and never stop until it's done. Thank you, Mr. Tackett!” quote provided by @official_lil_khi (IG)

"It's only hard temporarily. You'll do great things!" - Ms. McNeese - provided by @maggie.reynolds (IG) 

“Choose joy! Mrs. Sheri Sauer made such an impression on my life. [I’m] grateful for her and the love she poured into each one of us.” - provided by Misty Young (FB)

“Nothing is free. Go work for the great feeling of achievement, other than knowing that you are loved.” - provided by Ken Hurst (FB)

“Choose Joy! Mrs. Sheri Sauer taught me so much whether it’s about my profession or just my everyday life. She is an amazing instructor and I’m so glad I had her as mine!” - provided by Miranda Wodzisz (FB)

Anniversary and Retirement Celebrations
Eastland-Fairfield also recognized staff members that celebrated milestone employment anniversaries and will be enjoying retirement at year's end. Congratulations and thank you to the following staff members for your service to our students:

5 years of service
Joseph Boff - Career Connections Teacher (Whitehall)
Timothy Browning - Career Connections Teacher (Reynoldsburg)
Jodi Gacnik - Secretary to Coordinator of Satellite Programs & Student Services (District Office)
Christopher Kuhn - Math Instructor (ECC)
Makenzie Mast - Intervention Specialist (ECC)
Jennifer Matchett- Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent (District Office)
William Moore - Criminal Justice Instructor (FCC)
Tiffany Rhoades - Pharmacy Instructor (FCC)
Lisa Ruff - Intervention Specialist (FCC)
Lisa Witt - TESOL Instructor (FCC)
Justine Zimmerman - Custodian (FCC)
Rebecca Van Horn - Social Studies Teacher (FCC)
Tara Pieratt - Food Service (FCC)

10 years of service
Angela  Geiger-Fields - English Teacher (ECC)
Mike Dulin - Lead Custodian (ECC)
Beau Stidham - Assistant Principal (FCC)
Kory Valentine  - Attendance/Discipline Secretary (ECC)
Annette Harris - Data & Records Specialist (District Office)

15 years of service
Jeff Cashin - Science Teacher (ECC)
Regina Johnson - ASPIRE Instructor (Adult Workforce Development)
Dan Trippier - Automotive Instructor (ECC)

20 years of service
Amy Owens - Science Teacher (FCC)
Doug Rider - Multimedia Instructor (Satellite, Pickerington North)
Jerry Kocher - Custodian (District Office)
Ty James - Cyber Security Instructor (Satellite, New Albany)

25 years of service
Terri Smith - IP Tutor (ECC)
Brian Whitney - Graphic Design Instructor (ECC)
Robyn Hilderbrand - Teaching Professions Instructor (Satellite, Gahanna Lincoln)

30 years of service
Nick Stokes - Math Teacher (ECC)

Retirement Announcements
Jeanne Milford - English Teacher (ECC)
Christina Law - English Teacher (ECC)
Barb Speakman - Food Services (ECC)
Kimberly Pietsch Miller, Ed.D. - Superintendent/CEO (District Office)

A group of 14 individuals, mainly teachers, stands together with signs that honor a former teacher in their lives that left an impact.Pictured: Our satellite and off-site program instructors celebrated Staff Appreciation Week and honored a teacher that made an impact in their lives. 


William Moore, Amy Owens, and Beau Stidham stand with their service awards certificatesPictured: Criminal Justice instructor William Moore, science teacher Amy Owens, and FCC Assistant Principal Beau Stidham


Ten staff members from Eastland Career Center gather after celebrating their service and careers in public education.Our ECC staff gathered to celebrate another year of service to our students, and to congratulate our staff that have announced their retirements.