Chef Andrew Borenstein Earns State and National Spirit of Advising Award

EFCTS | June 2, 2022

Prior to the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter at Eastland Career Center departing for their state conference adviser Chef Andrew (Drew) Borenstein and the Culinary Arts program received wonderful news. Chef Borenstein was named the 2022 FCCLA National Spirit of Advising Award winner and will be recognized at the national conference in early July.

The Spirit of Advising Award recognizes chapter advisers who are constantly faithful to the chapter and its student members.. Nominees are also recognized as those that consistently demonstrate excellence in modeling FCCLA character and integrity to ensure the success of their students within their classroom and career.

To be eligible for award consideration, the nominee must:

  • Believe in the mission of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
  • Support and work with students to ensure student success
  • Provide learning experiences
  • Encourage positive character development
  • Dedicate time and energy to nurturing student leaders
  • Serve as a current FCCLA adviser

Chef Andrew Borenstein walks in and wears a look of surprise after his students decorated The Heritage Room for a surprise congratulations party.Chef Andrew Borenstein walks in and wears a look of surprise after his students decorated The Heritage Room for a secret congratulations party.

 Chef Borenstein not only earned the Spirit of Advising Award on the national level but also from the state FCCLA chapter, as well. He was notified of the award in early April and recognized at the state competition on April 28. He will take center stage to be celebrated as the National Spirit of Advising award winner when he leads students to compete at FCCLA Nationals in San Diego, Calif. between June 29-July 3.

Following the FCCLA state competition, students in the organization and throughout the Culinary Arts program put together a surprise party to congratulate him on the achievement. Culinary students decorated The Heritage Room and prepared some of Chef Borenstein’s favorite foods (hamburgers, fries, onion straws, and fried pickles) to serve to guests commemorating the moment.

Chef Borenstein, now in his seventh year instructing at Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools in the Culinary Arts program, made it known that it's not about him, but instead about the students and their success.

Said Chef Borenstein about the honor, “I am extremely grateful and humbled to win this award amongst all the great advisors we have here in Ohio. Winning this award would not be possible without the support of my family, my administration team, my co-adviser, and my students, who continue to develop themselves through competitive events and leadership development.”

For more information on the Culinary Arts program at Eastland Career Center or Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools, visit

Chef Andrew Borenstein dons a colorful tie and black sport coat as he receives the Ohio FCCLA Advisor Spirit Award on stage at the state conference.Chef Andrew Borenstein on stage receiving the Ohio FCCLA Advisor Spirit Award at the state conference.