Eastland-Fairfield has announced that it will have a full return to the classroom to begin the 2021-22 school year

On June 23, 2021, Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools announced its intention for a full return to school at both of its main campuses. Satellite programs located at Eastland-Fairfield associate schools will follow guidelines presented by those school districts. 

Eastland-Fairfield Superintendent and CEO Dr. Kimberly Pietsch Miller announced:

“At the June 16, 2021, EFCTS Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the following plan:

Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools will open both the Eastland and Fairfield campuses to students on August 12, 2021. EFCTS students will return to school face-to-face, full-time, five days a week. All Eastland-Fairfield students educated on our campuses are of age to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, which is encouraged but not required. Per the rescinded facial coverings order from Governor DeWine and The Ohio Department of Health, facial coverings will not be required by staff, students, or visitors. As always, handwashing and respiratory etiquette are encouraged. Further, EFCTS will maintain clean and healthy facilities utilizing recommended and approved processes and products.

Should this plan need to be revised, such will occur after seeking input from various health departments and our local stakeholders including staff, parents/guardians, and students. The District will also consider guidance from the CDC throughout the school year in order to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment.

The following guidelines will inform our school operations for the 21-22 school year:

Our schools will implement safety protocols to the highest degree possible while also considering the instructional, behavioral, and social/emotional needs of our students.

Students, staff, and visitors may continue to wear facial coverings.

Distancing will be encouraged to the extent possible.

Our district will work closely with local health departments to promote health and safety in our schools.

Each career center will be staffed with additional personnel to support students. A new Director of Student Support Systems will oversee support systems for all students including nursing services that will be added to each center as well as the continued presence of social/emotional service providers. 

EFCTS staff will continue to be provided support through professional development and our employee assistance program.

EFCTS plans will be reviewed at least every six months.

Students who attend EFCTS satellite programs located at our partner districts will follow the protocols set forth by those districts.”


In addition to the Return to School plan, Eastland-Fairfield announced that in order to support the social and emotional wellness of its students and to help build the EFCTS community with its new and returning students, Thursday, August 12, will be for juniors only, and Friday, August 13, will be for seniors only. 

More information will be shared in the coming weeks.