Pillar 2: Ensuring Programming and Operational Excellence

students in hardhats standing on a scissor lift and next to a fork lift


Strengthen system-wide operations to meet the needs of Eastland-Fairfield’s diverse community of learners and to enable sustainable growth.

OBJECTIVE 1: Offer in-demand programming

OBJECTIVE 2: Offer state-of-the-art technology and facilities

OBJECTIVE 3: Maximize the safety and security of all EFCTS facilities

OBJECTIVE 4: Utilize a Quality Program Review Process for Decision Making

How will we accomplish this?

  • Continue reviewing the facility maintenance and technology plans

  • Develop and implement a 3-5 year facilities expansion plan to address high school and AWD needs

  • Develop a 3-5 equipment replacement/needs plan for each program for equipment over $10,000

  • Complete and review most QPR with each lab instructor

  • Collect information and gather feedback in order to make an informed decision regarding armed campus security staff at EFCTS

  • Create an Action Plan Goal template to address "unsatisfactory" areas

** Note: Items may be removed or added to the list of objectives as they are completed or become a need

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