Serving our Communities
We at Eastland-Fairfield believe that by serving students and staff we are, in essence, serving our communities. We are dedicated to providing different tools, resources, and experiences that empower individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. Check out the different resources that are available for our students, families, staff, and the community at large.
Community Conversations
Throughout the school year, Eastland-Fairfield will host different organizations on campus to discuss a variety of topics impacting our young people, families, and communities. Join us for our Community Conversations, open and free to all. Click below to see the full lineup of topics planned for this school year.
New Family Information Night

In the spring, Eastland-Fairfield will hold a pair of New Family Information Nights, designed to be a first glance at the information new students and families will need to know before coming to the career center. Topics will include meals, facilities, transportation, uniforms, and other must-know information. A session will be held for students at ECC and FCC.
Dates and additional information will be available closer to April 2024.
District Bi-Weekly Newsletter

By joining our newsletter, you can stay connected with what is happening throughout all of Eastland-Fairfield. Newsletters are delivered electronically every two weeks. Don't miss out on news, updates, and the cool things happening inside our walls!
Public Job Board

Our business partners not only help us build the curriculum, they are actively seeking to hire our students, too! If you are on the hunt for a job, check out some of the job postings our business partners have shared with us ... for you.
Summer Camp

Each summer, Eastland-Fairfield holds a free career exploration summer camp for 6-8th grade students in our communities. Explore different career fields with hands-on activities and meet new friends along the way. Learn more about summer camps by clicking the button below.
Career Connections

Eastland-Fairfield is well-known for its high school and adult programming. But did you know that we also offer middle school career exploration programming? Learn more about what Career Connections is and how it serves middle school students around the EFCTS planning district.
More information coming soon!
Business Partnerships

Business Partners help guide Eastland-Fairfield to determine what programs are offered and much of the curriculum in our lab programs. They also meet our students where they are with opportunities to learn, work, and even earn while still in high school. If you are interested in impacting the future workers in your industry, learn more about what it means to be a Business Partner and the next steps to becoming one.
Alumni Connections

Stay connected even after you graduate! Let us know what you are doing, where you are going, and consider engaging today's students who were once in your shoes. Learn more about staying connected as an EFCTS alumnus or alumna!
More information coming soon!