Apply to Eastland-Fairfield

Female at a desktop computer looking at her screen with EFCTS homepage displayed.

Get ready to apply for the 2024-25 school year!

We are already getting excited for the 2024-25 school year. If you are a current high school sophomore or junior considering Eastland-Fairfield, we hope that you are, too. Applications for the 2024-25 school year will be made available to students and families on November 1, 2023.

* if you are applying for the new senior-only Teaching Professions program, please use the unique link below

If you're undecided or not yet a sophomore take the time to schedule your tour, visit our campuses, ask questions, research our programs, and get excited for an opportunity that will reshape your future.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The student must be a resident of one of Eastland-Fairfield's 16 associate school districts

  • 10th-grade applications will have priority for two-year programs

  • Applications received after February 6 will be processed in the order in which they are received

  • Students that are applying to be in the Firefighting program must pass an agility test (per Ohio Department of Public Safety) prior to August 1

  • Students enrolling into the Project SEARCH program must be eligible for services with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) and, per the requirement of Fairfield Medical Center, have the required, up-to-date vaccinations.

Application Timeline

November 1: Applications Open!
February 6: Priority Application Period Ends

February 7-September 1
During this time, applications will continue to be accepted. We call this our "Rolling Application Window". All applications received between Feb. 7-Sept. 1 will be processed in the order they are received and reviewed after all applications received during the Priority Application Period.

April 15: Acceptance Letters will be sent out

May 1: Rolling application review period begins

July 1: Applications of students that are open-enrolled will be reviewed at this time

Acceptance Process

After you submit an application for an Eastland-Fairfield program, your application will be reviewed by our admissions team and given one of three designations. Your application's designation and how many applications are received for your first-choice program will determine the next phase of the process.

Direct Admit

The student has earned, or is on pace to earn, eight (8) core credits and ten (10) total credits by the end of their sophomore year.

If the total number of applicants does not exceed the total number of available seats, the student will be accepted.

If the total number of applicants exceeds the total number of available seats (termed "oversubscribed"), the student will be placed in a lottery. A randomized lottery will determine the students that will be accepted. If the student is not selected through the lottery, they will be added to a waitlist for further consideration.

Credit Plan

The student has earned, or is on pace to earn, six (6) or seven (7) core credits by the end of their sophomore year.

If seats are available, the student's application will be considered after Direct Admits (see above).

If the program is oversubscribed (total number of applicants exceeds the number of available seats), the student will enter a lottery and are placed on the waitlist below students designated as Direct Admits.

Credits Needed

The student has earned, or is on pace to earn, less than six (6) core credits by the end of their sophomore year.

The student must recover those credits and notify EFCTS for their application to be re-evaluated.

What is a "core credit"?

A core credit are credits that are earned in the areas of English/Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies, Math, and Science.

Need Help Applying?

Download the step-by-step guide below to help you through the online application process. If you need additional assistance, please contact the Career Services team.

EFCTS Application Flow Chart for SY24-25